Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Dilbert Entrepreneur

This morning, while at the office working on two different workshops that are going on simultaneously(Syracuse Entrepreneurs Bootcamp and The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans' Families) I took a break to glance through the Wall Street Journal….and ran across The Perfect Stimulus: Bad Management written by Scott Adams of Dilbert fame. So sit back, get a cup of coffee and enjoy entrepreneurship with a Dilbert flavor.

From the article:

I have always assumed there's a correlation between imagination and risk-taking. You wouldn't leave an unpleasant but relatively safe situation unless you could imagine a better outcome. So the people who leave a company first tend to be the visionaries who can best imagine entrepreneurial success. The last wave of people who leave are usually excreted just before the door is chained. They didn't imagine it would happen so soon. Bad management is how imagination gets wings.

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